Версия для печати

Полезная информация


Official visa information: http://mfa.gov.by/en/visa/


Medical insurance contract is required for the whole stay in Belarus. It should be concluded with RUE“Belgosstrakh“or"Beleximgarant"or with any foreign insurance company.

The medical insurance contract with foreign insurance organization must:

— сontain the name of a foreign insurance company 
and an indication of its location, telephones of foreign insurance organizations or international assistance services, as well as the surname, first name, middle name (if available) of a foreign citizen; 
 — be valid at the territory of the Republic of Belarus;   
 — be valid for a period of temporary stay or temporary residence of foreign citizens in the Republic of Belarus;  
 - provide the limit of indemnity not less than EUR 10 000. A medical insurance contract with foreign insurance organization can be confirmed by an insurance policy, an insurance card or other document containing the above mentioned information about the medical insurance contract.


Incoming students can be provided with the accommodation in the dormitory based on availability. International project management office assists in finding accommodation.

Country, costs of living, host country formalities, etc.